Battle of the Book Covers March 2024 Edition!

Here are the books that I read in March that have differing book covers. Which ones do you prefer?

A decaying horse or human skeleton covered in insect and plant life? I can’t choose, both are perfectly horrifying! I suppose I like the font the the UK cover of What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher a bit better, if I had to find something off of which to pick a favorite.

I think both of these covers for Blake Crouch’s Recursion are fine, but I’ll go with the US edition this time, because the UK cover makes me think of a spaceship or some other form of alien technology, which is not what it’s meant to do.

Although the cover image including the manor house might be more fitting, I hands down prefer the US cover of The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan – beautiful color scheme, enticing swirling smoke imagery, mysterious lady in gorgeous apparel, shadowy hands, oh my!

I think the US version of the cover of How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin has a super cute and engaging art style, much more so than the UK version.

I think the cover design of the US version of Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar is unique and interesting, plus I’m just not a fan of the colors used in the UK edition.

So other than the T. Kingfisher Sworn Soldier novella, which was a close call anyway, I guess this month is a big dub for the US of A. What are your thoughts?

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